Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Psalm 27

I've missed writing.  As a hard core English Major who loved staying up into the wee hours of the morning composing poetry and doing research and working until the last second before I had to turn in a paper, switching gears to ministry has been not hard but I felt a little incomplete.  I know, I'm not supposed to feel like that but there it is.  Once in a while I get that itch to pour out my heart.  And I do that in journals but to publish and share...I miss it.  And thus, I start a blog.  Why has it taken so long you say?  Because of avoidance behavior, a.k.a procrastination and because it's hard to put myself out there, to be vulnerable.  To share my life.  I like being private. To put to shame my English Lit degree by posting grammar mistakes. (It happens). So without further ado but with reservations here it is.

Psalm 27.  It has pretty much become my mantra.  I first drawn to it a year and half ago, almost two.  It's a plea and a piece of poetry but aren't all Psalms?  It's an invitation, to seek His face.  To keep looking for good. As I continue on in this HMA (Homeland Ministry Assignment of support raising) this is my own challenge. To keep seeking His face, to ask God to keep teaching me and leading me and to keep looking for good and not just any good but the goodness of the Lord.  One thing I need to say, I am no theologian.  I never went to seminary.  I'm no scholar.  So I might take things a little literal, I might get things wrong.  But I do know that even though I'm not those things I know where I belong.

This journey has been awesome in every sense of the word; "inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration or fear."  From when I was called 5 and half years ago to now.  It's been a journey.   And I've been afraid.  And I know the journey continues and they'll be more tears and more fears but I know who holds my days in His hands.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you are writing. You just never know who it will touch. Thanks for being obedient and being vulnerable!
